Staged Violence &
Theatrical Intimacy
“Stage Combat is the art of safe and repeatable storytelling through the illusion of violence”
Ian Claar is an award-winning staged violence and intimacy choreographer, as well as teaching artist and active member of the stage combat community. He has choreographed the fights, intimacy and movements for productions throughout the DC Metro region at the professional, community, and academic levels; with styles including various martial arts, sword-play, grappling, found weaponry and more! He has a passion for the art and technique of stage combat and stunt performance and is an advocate for the safe and skilled application and education of the art to all performing arts organisations, and especially to young performers.
Ian is an Advanced Actor/Combatant with the Society of American Fight Directors (SAFD), and the Managing Director of The Noble Blades stage combat troupe, based in Northern Virginia. Ian is a proud Assoc. Member of the Stage Directors and Choreographers Society, a national theatrical labor union.
Technique and Training
“The play’s the thing.” Ian will start every production or teaching opportunity focusing on the story looking to be told, within the context of the script, the director’s vision, and the abilities and boundaries of the performers. All this in an effort to tell the story in the best possible way, achieving the best results, all while maintaining the safest possible environment.
Ian began training in stage combat under the Society of American Fight Directors in 2013, and has continued to train and study ever since. In 2017 he training formally in theatrical intimacy, and has studied with Intimacy Director’s International, Intimacy Coordinators of Color, and Theatrical Intimacy Education. He believes whole-heartedly in continuing education and regularly attends local, regional and national training to maintain skill and artistry, as well as grow as an artist and choreographer.
Teaching Experience (Select)
Ian has nearly 6 years of teaching experience, spanning theatre festivals, public and private academic institutions, arts education organisations, and theatre companies.
The Noble Blades, Herndon, VA (2016-2022)
Footwork and Physicality, Instructor. Class exploring and drilling the basics of footwork, movement, posturing, and physicality. Students were drilled on footwork commonly found in unarmed and bladed staged violence styles, as well as technique concepts such as vocal violence and realistic and sustainable pain responses.
Virginia Theatre Association, Richmond, VA (2022-2024)
Maintaining the Actor’s Body, Instructor. Class examining warmups, exercises, and stretches for those working in fields of heightened physicality. With a mixture of classroom and instruction, and on your feet work, students explored how to prepare for and keep fit for performing staged violence.
The Blades of Shakespeare, Instructor. Seminar with lecture and demonstration, exploring the different swords used throughout the works of Shakespeare. From the Sword and Shield to the Small Sword, examples of historical and literary context are provided, as well as a demonstration of their unique styles and capabilities.
USITT Chesapeake (2022-2023)
Stagecraft Meets Stage Combat, Instructor. Solving the quandary of what to do when the script simply states "A fight ensues" should involve more than just a director and their actors. Stage combat can impact (not literally we hope) almost every aspect of a production
Theatrical Firearms Safety, Instructor. This class is tailor made to your needs and covers the basics of safety and protocol for using functional or non-functional theatrical firearms in your theatre.
Christopher Newport University, Newport News, VA (2017)
We Do It With the Lights On, Alumni Workshop Instructor. A conversation on the use of intimacy and nudity on stage through the lens of consent, self-advocacy, #metoo culture, and personal experiences.
Young Actor’s Theatre, Reston, VA (2017)
Lightsaber Combat Crashcourse, Instructor. Dive into the combat style of the Jedi and Sith arts. This class examines the 7 forms of lightsaber combat commonly (or not so commonly) used throughout the galaxy.
Loudoun County Public Schools, Virginia (2017 - 2022)
Basics of Theatrical Intimacy, Instructor. Lecture and Exercises covering the principles and policies for producing stories of Theatrical Intimacy and scenes of heightened emotion and physicality on stage.
Fairfax County Public Schools, Virginia (2017 - 2022)
Wizarding Wand Combat, Instructor. Learn the basics of magical dueling, as well as the basics of defensive and offensive magic though the common magical foci, the wand. Taught in the Standard British style, or ‘Hogwarts’ style.
Society of American Fight Directors (2016-2024)
Mid-Atlantic Melee, Co-Coordinator, 2024
Allegheny Alley, Teaching Assistant, 2024
Theatrical Firearms Safety, Teaching Assistant, 2024. Instructor - Robb Hunter
Theatrical Two Hand Sword, Teaching Assistant, 2024 – Melissa Freilich
Brawl of America SCW, Production Asst. Staff, 2023
Central Illinois Stage Combat Teacher Trainer, Student Teacher - Smallsword, 2023
A-Town Throw Down SCW, Production Asst. Staff, 2022
Theatrical Firearms Safety, Teaching Assistant, 2022. Instructor - Robb Hunter
Sword and Shield SPT Class, Teaching Assistant, 2021. Instructor - Casey Kaleba
Unarmed SPT Class, Teaching Assistant, 2016. Instructor - Gregg Lloyd
Production Choreography (Select)
A Midsummer Night’s Dream | NextStop Theatre Company | dir. Christopher Richardson
Einstein’s Wife | ExPats Theatre DC | dir. Karin Rosnizeck
The Body of a Woman | ExPats Theatre DC | dir. Karin Rosnizeck
Treasure Island | Rock Ridge Performing Arts | dir. Anthony Cimino-Johnson
Or, | Theatre Prometheus | dir. Chelsea Radigan
Disney’s Newsies | Reston Players | dir. Alisa Claire & Brian Collier
Superior Donuts | Reston Players | dir. Seth Gitelman [WATCH AWARD]
Peter and the Starcatcher | Reston Players | dir. Jolene Vettese
The Game’s Afoot | Reston Players | dir. Elizabeth Mykiteyn
Mary Stuart | Little Theatre of Alexandria | dir. Kathleen Bath [WATCH Award]
Key for Two | Little Theatre of Alexandria | dir. Eleanore Tapscott
Lion King, Jr. | Encore Stage&Studio | dir. Susan Keady
Dracula, An Undead Love Story | Edison Drama | dir. Jeffrey Walker
El Capitan | Victorian Lyric Opera Company | dir. Kate Hunter-Reeves
Matilda | Levine Music Theatre | dir. Amy Poe
The Complete Works of Shakespeare (Abridged) | StageCoach Theatre Company | dir. Ashley McGee
The Lion King, Jr. | Encore Stage and Studio | dir. Susan Keady
The Art of Murder | Workhouse Arts Center | dir. Jolene Vettese
Karin Rosnizeck and Valerie Adams Rigsbee perform intimacy choreography by Ian Claar in Marlene
(ExPats Theatre, 2024) Photo by Teresa Castracane
Download a copy of Ian’s fight resume here